Endocrinology Conditions & Diseases

Problems, Disorders and Diseases of the Endocrine System

What follows is a list of some of the problems and diseases our Endocrinologists are trained to diagnosis and manage.

Adrenal System

· Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison’s disease)

· Pheochromocytoma

· Cushing’s Disease

· Primary Hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s Syndrome)

· Adrenal Cancer

· Adrenal Incidentaloma


· Osteoporosis

· Osteopenia

· Osteomalacia

· Paget’s disease

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)

Lipids Management

· Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol)

· Hypertriglyceridemia (high triglycerides)

· Low HDL cholesterol

· Metabolic Syndrome and Dyslipidemias

Sexual Hormone Disorders:


· Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

· Hirsutism (extra male-like hair growth)

· Androgen excess (extra male-like hormones)


· Hypogonadism (low testosterone)

· Gynecomastia (development of breasts)

Thyroid Disease

· Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) including Graves’ disease

· Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

· Goiter

· Thyroid nodules

· Thyroid cancer

· Thyroiditis

Parathyroid Disease and Calcium Disorders

· Hypercalcemia

· Hypocalcemia

· Hyperparathyroidism

· Hypoparathyroidism

· Pseudohypoparathyroidism

· Parathyroid cancer

Pituitary Glands

· Pituitary Tumors

· Hyperprolactinemia (elevated prolactin)

· Galactorrhea (abnormal breast discharge)

· Cushing’s disease

· Acromegaly (growth hormone excess)

· Growth hormone deficiency

· Hypopituitarism and panhypopituitarism