Pinehurst Medical Clinic cardiology providers offer a broad range of comprehensive cardiology services in the Pinehurst and Sanford areas of NC to support patients throughout Lee and Moore Counties. These patient services are provided under agreement with FirstHealth Cardiology.
On average, our heart doctors treat more than 20,000 patients, perform more than 13,000 echocardiograms, and over 1,800 heart catheterizations annually. Our cardiology team, consisting of eight cardiologists, three interventional cardiologists, and eight cardiology nurse practitioners, are here for you and ready to diagnose and, if necessary, treat heart patients.
When indicated, your care will be supported by an experienced team of specialty and primary care physicians in areas outside of cardiology. All services are performed in state-of-the-art facilities utilizing the most up-to-date medical technology.
PMC Cardiology Treatments & Procedures
Offering a full range of on-site diagnostic and therapeutic services for cardiology patients. Services include:
- Electrocardiograms
- Echocardiograms (two- and three-dimensional)
- Exercise stress tests and stress echo
- Holter monitoring
- Lipid clinic
- Nuclear cardiology
- Pacemaker analysis
- External counterpulsation
- Computerized tomography (CT)
- Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) Closures
- Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Cardiovascular Computerized Tomography
- Cardiovascular Ultrasound
- Nuclear Cardiology
PMC Cardiology Office Locations
PMC offers three convenient locations providing Cardiology services to patients throughout the Pinehurst, NC and Sanford NC area.
Our Cardiology Providers

Work for one of North Carolina's largest independent multispecialty health care organizations.
Pinehurst Medical Clinic is seeking individuals who share our commitment to offering compassion, embracing accountability, showing respect, and ensuring Pinehurst Medical Clinic is the choice for medical excellence by providing a high-quality patient experience to those we serve. If you're a healthcare provider interested in joining out team, visit our Careers center to learn more about current employment opportunities with PMC.